What is a Deposited Plan?

Whether you're considering buying, selling, or developing property, one key document you're likely to encounter is the Deposited Plan , or DP for short. Understanding this document is crucial for navigating the complexities of property transactions because it plays a vital role in property ownership, development, and compliance with regulations.

A Deposited Plan (DP) is an official legal document, registered with the state's Land Registry Services, which outlines the legal boundaries and features of a parcel of land. Key components of a DP include measurements of the property's size and shape, as well as details of any physical and unseen boundaries.

Deposited Plans serve multiple purposes:

  • Subdivisions: Most commonly, DPs are used to depict the subdivision of land, specifying how a larger parcel is divided into smaller lots.
  • Easements and Resumptions: They detail any rights and restrictions associated with the land, such as easements for utilities or access rights, and resumptions, where land is reclaimed by the government.
  • Support for Primary Applications: DPs may be prepared to support applications for new land titles, including registrations of new parcels created from subdivisions.

What is a DP Number?

Each Deposited Plan is assigned a unique 'DP number', such as DP 896528, for several important reasons:

  1. Identification: The DP number serves as a unique identifier for the Deposited Plan, distinguishing it from other plans lodged with the land registry authority.
  2. Tracking: It facilitates tracking and referencing of specific properties and their associated plans, streamlining property management and legal processes.
  3. Official Record: The DP number is part of the official record of the property, ensuring accuracy and consistency in property ownership, transactions, and development.
  4. Legal Requirement: Assigning a unique DP number is a legal requirement to comply with regulatory standards and maintain the integrity of property records.
  5. Accessibility: The DP number allows easy access to information about a property's boundaries, dimensions, easements, and restrictions through official records and title searches.

It’s important to note that certain series of DP numbers, specifically from DP 750000 to 759999, will not have a paper image available; these typically relate to specific legal classifications like Crown Portions and Town Allotments, where a Crown Plan is necessary instead.

From historical context, since the inception of the Real Property Act in 1863 and other relevant legislation, property owners in New South Wales and other regions are required to lodge a DP, prepared by a registered surveyor, whenever they intend to create, subdivide, or otherwise transact with a land parcel. The Registrar General's Guidelines for Deposited Plans provide a practical framework for preparing these plans for lodgement.

A couple getting advice from an architect about ordering a Deposited Plan from Fynd

Why is a Deposited Plan Important?

Deposited Plans are typically required by property developers, surveyors, conveyancers, and property owners who are subdividing land or creating new lots. Local councils and government agencies also often require Deposited Plans for planning and development approvals.

Deposited plans play a crucial role in defining property ownership and boundaries. They provide a clear, legally recognised record of what a property owner is responsible for and what they are entitled to. This information is essential for a range of property-related activities, such as:

Real Estate and Homeownership

For homeowners and first-time buyers, a deposited plan clarifies the exact boundaries and features of the property you own or intend to purchase.  This clarity is invaluable in preventing disputes with neighbours over land boundaries and in knowing the precise area of your land. If you are buying a property, typically the Deposited Plan will be provided by your conveyancer, along with the sales contract and other relevant documents. For those looking to sell a property, providing potential buyers with clear, undisputed property boundaries can expedite the sales process and add to the property's marketability.

Property Development and Investment

Builders, developers, and real estate investors need to base their project plans and investment decisions on accurate information. Deposited plans serve as a foundational document, detailing critical data like easements, rights of way, and restrictions, which can significantly affect how a property can be developed or utilised. Understanding these details helps in assessing the feasibility and potential profitability of development projects or investments.

Legal and Financial Sectors

For legal professionals and mortgage lenders, deposited plans are essential in the due diligence process. Lawyers rely on them to resolve disputes, draft accurate contracts, and ensure compliance with zoning and land use laws. Mortgage lenders, on the other hand, use deposited plans to assess risks and define the property being secured against loans.

Whether you're an owner-builder laying the first stone, a lawyer handling a property dispute, or a developer planning a high-rise, understanding deposited plans is indispensable for ensuring that your projects and transactions proceed smoothly and legally.

A building surveyor inspecting a subdivision and checking dimensions and area measurements on a Deposited Plan

Understanding the Components of a Deposited Plan

A Deposited Plan is more than just lines on paper; it's a blueprint that holds critical information about your property. Let's delve into the key components of a Deposited Plan and why they matter to various stakeholders in the property realm.

Lot Boundaries and Numbers

How are lots defined and numbered on a Deposited Plan?

In simple terms, a lot refers to a specific piece of land within a larger property. On a Deposited Plan, lots are defined by clear boundaries, often marked by lines or annotations. Each lot is assigned a unique number for identification purposes. For example, Lot 1 might represent a residential block, while Lot 2 could be a vacant parcel adjacent to it.

Importance for property owners, developers, and surveyors
  • Property Owners: Understanding lot boundaries is crucial for knowing the extent of your property and where your rights and responsibilities lie. It helps prevent disputes with neighbours and ensures compliance with zoning regulations.
  • Developers: Lot boundaries guide developers in planning and designing subdivisions, ensuring each lot meets legal requirements and is suitable for its intended use.
  • Surveyors: Accurate lot numbering and boundary delineation are fundamental to a surveyor's work. They rely on Deposited Plans to conduct surveys, resolve boundary disputes, and provide valuable data for property transactions.

Dimensions and Area Measurements

Plans include precise measurements that indicate the length, width, and area of each lot. These measurements are typically expressed in meters or square meters and are essential for determining the size and configuration of the property.

Significance for understanding property size and boundaries
  • Property Size: Dimensions and area measurements help property owners and buyers assess the size of their land or lot. This information is crucial for evaluating property value, potential uses, and development options.
  • Boundaries: Accurate measurements ensure that lot boundaries are clearly defined, reducing the risk of boundary disputes and legal complications.

Easements and Restrictions

  • Easements: An easement grants someone the right to use part of your property for a specific purpose, such as access to utilities or shared driveways. Easements are indicated on Deposited Plans with designated areas and annotations describing the type of easement.
  • Restrictions: Restrictions, also known as covenants, impose limitations on how a property can be used or developed. These may include building height restrictions, architectural guidelines, or environmental regulations. Restrictions are noted on Deposited Plans to inform property owners and stakeholders of their obligations.

Impact on property use, rights, and obligations

  • Property Use: Easements and restrictions shape how a property can be utilised. For example, an easement for utility access may limit where structures can be built, while restrictions may dictate architectural styles or landscaping requirements.
  • Rights and Obligations: Understanding easements and restrictions is crucial for knowing your rights as a property owner or user, as well as your obligations to comply with legal requirements and respect the rights of others.
A married couple ordering their Deposited Plan from the Fynd website at fynd.info

How to Order a Deposited Plan

Ordering a Deposited Plan is a straightforward process, especially when you're navigating property-related matters. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you understand how to order a Deposited Plan and some tips on choosing the right information broker for your needs.

1. Identify Your Requirements

Before ordering a Deposited Plan, be clear about why you need it and what information you're looking for. Are you a homeowner planning renovations, a developer considering a subdivision, or a first-time home buyer researching property boundaries? Understanding your requirements will guide you in requesting the right type of plan.

2. Find a Reputable Information Broker

Choosing the right information broker is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable Deposited Plans. Look for a broker with experience in property-related matters and a proven track record of delivering quality services. Consider factors such as:

  • Expertise: Ensure the broker specialises in property-related information and has in-depth knowledge of Deposited Plans
  • Reputation: Check reviews, testimonials, and client feedback to gauge the broker's reputation and reliability.
  • Accuracy: Verify that the broker's Deposited Plans are up-to-date, compliant with regulations, and accurate in depicting property details.
  • Customer Support: Choose a broker that offers excellent customer support, responds promptly to inquiries, and provides assistance throughout the ordering process.

3. Provide Property Details

Once you've selected an information broker, provide them with the necessary details about the property for which you need the Deposited Plan. This includes the property address, title reference, lot number, and any specific requirements or information you're seeking. Clear communication ensures that the broker can prepare the plan accurately to meet your needs.

4. Review and Confirm

After submitting your request, the information broker will proceed to prepare the Deposited Plan based on your specifications. They may conduct surveys, gather relevant data, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Once the plan is ready, you'll receive a draft or digital copy for review.

5. Finalise and Receive the Plan

Review the draft Deposited Plan carefully to verify that it accurately reflects the property details and meets your requirements. If any revisions or adjustments are needed, communicate them to the broker for timely updates. Once you're satisfied with the plan, finalise the order, and proceed to receive the official Deposited Plan either digitally or in printed form, depending on your preference.

Tips for Choosing an Information Broker

  • Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as real estate professionals, colleagues, or industry associations.
  • Verify the broker's credentials, licenses, and adherence to industry standards and regulations.
  • Inquire about the broker's turnaround time, fees, and payment options to ensure transparency and budget alignment.
  • Consider brokers that offer additional services or resources, such as property reports, title searches, and legal support, to enhance your property-related decision-making.

By following these steps and choosing a reputable information broker, you can streamline the process of ordering a Deposited Plan and access valuable property information with confidence.

A young family enjoying their new home after using Fynd to manage their property documents.

Common Questions and Misconceptions about Deposited Plans

Deposited Plans often spark questions and misconceptions among property stakeholders. Let's address some common queries and clarify key concepts related to Deposited Plans.

Can Deposited Plans be Changed?

Yes, Deposited Plans can be changed or amended under certain circumstances. Common reasons for amendments include correcting errors, adjusting lot boundaries, or updating information. The process for Deposited Plan amendments typically involves:

  1. Identification of Changes: Determine the specific changes required on the Deposited Plan, such as correcting boundary discrepancies or adding new details.
  2. Engage a Licensed Surveyor: Consult a licensed surveyor experienced in Deposited Plan amendments. The surveyor will assess the proposed changes, conduct necessary surveys, and prepare the amended plan.
  3. Prepare Documentation: The surveyor will draft the amended plan and prepare supporting documentation, including a formal application and any required approvals.
  4. Lodgement with Land Registry: Submit the amended plan and documentation to the relevant land registry authority, such as the NSW Land Registry Services, for review and registration.
  5. Review and Approval: The land registry authority will review the amended plan to ensure compliance with regulations and approve the changes if satisfactory.
  6. Registration: Once approved, the amended plan is registered, and the updated information becomes part of the official land title records.

It's essential to work with a reputable surveyor and follow the prescribed process to ensure the accuracy and legality of Deposited Plan amendments.

What is the Difference Between Deposited Plans and Strata Plans?

Deposited Plans and Strata Plans serve distinct purposes in property management:

Deposited Plans

Primarily used for subdividing land into separate lots or parcels, Deposited Plans define property boundaries, lot numbers, dimensions, and any relevant easements or restrictions. They are essential for property ownership, development, and compliance with regulations.

Strata Plans

Specifically for strata-titled properties such as apartments, townhouses, or commercial units, Strata Plans detail the division of buildings or structures into individual lots or units, common property areas, and any shared facilities or amenities. They govern the ownership, management, and maintenance of strata-titled properties.

While both plans involve land divisions, their scope and applicability differ based on the type of property involved.

What are the Ongoing Responsibilities for Property Owners?

After the registration of a Deposited Plan, property owners have ongoing responsibilities, including:

  • Compliance with Easements and Restrictions: Adhere to any easements or restrictions outlined in the Deposited Plan, such as shared access pathways or building height limits.
  • Property Maintenance: Maintain the property in accordance with local regulations and any requirements specified in the Deposited Plan.
  • Legal Obligations: Fulfill legal obligations related to property ownership, including payment of rates, taxes, and levies as applicable.
  • Record Keeping: Keep records of the Deposited Plan, property surveys, and any relevant documentation for future reference or compliance purposes.

Understanding these ongoing responsibilities is essential for property owners to ensure smooth and lawful property management post-registration of a Deposited Plan. Addressing common questions and misconceptions about Deposited Plans helps property stakeholders navigate property transactions, compliance requirements, and ongoing responsibilities with clarity and confidence.

A happy couple embracing after securing their dream home with the help of Fynd

Secure Your Property Journey with Fynd's Expertise

Are you on the path to property ownership, development, or investment in Australia? Ensure a smooth and successful journey by prioritising professional assistance for purchasing your Deposited Plan with Fynd.

Why Choose Fynd for Your Deposited Plan?

  1. Expertise and Experience: Fynd brings years of expertise and experience in document acquisition. Our team is well experienced at supporting our customer to access what they need.
  2. Comprehensive Solutions: From initial inquiries to the final plan acquisition, Fynd offers comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs. We guide you through the entire process, making it seamless and stress-free.
  3. Legal Compliance: Purchasing a Deposited Plan delivers a legally accurate document suitable for use in any situation.
  4. Efficiency and Timeliness: Time is of the essence in property transactions. Fynd prioritises efficiency and timeliness, delivering your Deposited Plan instantly.

Take the Next Step with Fynd

Don't navigate the complexities of purchasing a Deposited Plan alone. Partner with Fynd for professional assistance and peace of mind. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a successful property venture.

Contact Fynd today and we'll help you get started.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to our team at support@fynd.au and let us know how we can help.
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