What is a Section 88B Instrument?

A Section 88B Instrument is a legal document used in New South Wales that plays a crucial role in property development and land subdivision. It outlines specific details about rights, restrictions, and obligations related to a parcel of land. Essentially, it serves as a blueprint for how the land can be used and developed, providing clear guidelines for current and future property owners.

In property development and land subdivision, a Section 88B Instrument is indispensable. It ensures that all stakeholders - homeowners, property investors, mortgage lenders, lawyers, builders, and developers - are aware of any easements, restrictions, or covenants that may impact the land. This transparency helps prevent legal disputes and promotes smoother transactions and development processes.

Purpose of a Section 88B Instrument

The authority for creating and enforcing Section 88B Instruments comes from the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW). This Act provides the legal framework that governs the preparation, registration, and application of these instruments. By adhering to this Act, the Section 88B Instrument ensures that all stipulated conditions and restrictions are legally binding and enforceable.

A Section 88B Instrument meticulously details various rights, restrictions, and covenants associated with the land. These can include:

  • Easements: Rights granted to others to use a portion of the land for specific purposes, such as access roads or utility lines.
  • Restrictions: Limitations on how the land can be used, which might include building height restrictions, types of permissible structures, or land use regulations.
  • Covenants: Agreements or promises regarding the use of the land, such as maintaining a certain aesthetic or adhering to environmental standards.

These elements are crucial for maintaining order and clarity in property development and use, ensuring that all parties are aware of their rights and obligations. This not only facilitates better planning and compliance but also helps protect property values and the overall integrity of developments.

Fynd - What Information does a Section 88B Instrument contain?

What Information does a Section 88B Instrument contain?

Here, we will break down the typical contents of a Section 88B Instrument, explain the significance of each type of information and offer tips on how to read and interpret the document.


Easements are rights granted to other parties to use a portion of your land for specific purposes. These purposes are usually essential for the provision of services or access. For instance, an easement might allow:

  • Access Roads: If your property is the only route to another parcel of land, there might be an easement granting the neighbouring property owners the right to pass through your land.
  • Utility Lines: Utility companies might have easements to install and maintain power lines, water pipes, or sewer systems across your property.

Why are Easements Important?

Easements are crucial because they ensure that necessary services can be provided not only to your property but also to neighbouring properties. They help prevent disputes by clearly outlining the rights of various parties to use the land in specific ways. For example, without a clearly defined easement, there could be conflicts over access rights or the placement of utility infrastructure.


Restrictions are limitations placed on how the land can be used. These might include:

  • Building Height Restrictions: Limitations on how tall structures on the property can be, ensuring that buildings are in harmony with the surrounding area and do not obstruct views or sunlight.
  • Types of Permissible Structures: Specifications on what kinds of buildings or structures can be erected. For instance, there might be a restriction that only residential buildings can be constructed, prohibiting commercial or industrial developments.
  • Land Use Regulations: Rules about how the land can be used, such as prohibiting certain activities (e.g., heavy industrial work) that might not align with the zoning laws or community standards.

Why are Restrictions Important?

Restrictions help maintain the character and planned development of a neighbourhood or area. They protect property values by ensuring that any developments are consistent with local regulations and community expectations. For example, a height restriction might preserve scenic views, while land use regulations ensure that residential areas remain peaceful and free from industrial noise.


Covenants are formal agreements or promises regarding the use of the land. These might include:

  • Maintaining a Certain Aesthetic: Requirements to maintain a specific look for the property, such as using certain materials or colours for buildings to ensure visual harmony within a neighbourhood.
  • Adhering to Environmental Standards: Commitments to follow specific environmental practices, like maintaining green spaces or using sustainable building methods.
  • Behavioural Covenants: Agreements about how the property will be used, such as not operating a business from a home in a residential area.

Why are Covenants Important?

Covenants ensure that properties are used in ways that are beneficial and acceptable to the community. They protect the interests of all property owners in the area by ensuring that everyone adheres to agreed-upon standards. For instance, an aesthetic covenant can help maintain the visual appeal of a neighbourhood, thereby preserving property values and community satisfaction.

Tips on How to Read and Interpret a Section 88B Instrument

  1. Identify Key Sections: Start by identifying the main parts of the document - easements, rights of way, and covenants.
  2. Understand Legal Terminology: Familiarise yourself with common legal terms used in the document. A glossary can be handy.
  3. Look for Diagrams: Many Section 88B Instruments include diagrams that visually represent easements and rights of way. These can make the document easier to understand.
  4. Seek Professional Advice: If any part of the document is unclear, consult with a lawyer or property expert who can provide detailed explanations.
Fynd - What is a Section 88B Instrument Used For?

What is a Section 88B Instrument Used For?

Below, we will explore the role of a Section 88B Instrument in ensuring compliance with planning regulations, protecting property rights and interests, and its importance for different groups.

Role in Ensuring Compliance with Planning Regulations

A Section 88B Instrument is crucial for ensuring that any development or use of the land complies with local planning regulations. It outlines specific restrictions and obligations, such as easements and covenants, that must be adhered to. By clearly defining these legal requirements, the Section 88B Instrument helps:

  • Prevent Unauthorised Developments: Ensures that all constructions and modifications on the property are lawful and conform to the local planning rules.
  • Maintain Community Standards: Helps in maintaining the aesthetic and functional standards of a neighbourhood or community as intended by local councils.

For example, a Section 88B Instrument might specify that no buildings can exceed a certain height, ensuring that all structures within an area adhere to a cohesive urban plan.

Protection of Property Rights and Interests

The Section 88B Instrument also plays a significant role in protecting the rights and interests of property owners and other stakeholders. It does this by:

  • Defining Easements: Clearly states the rights of other parties to use certain parts of the property, such as pathways or utility access points.
  • Establishing Covenants: Sets out agreements that impose specific conditions or restrictions on how the property can be used, protecting the interests of all property owners in the area.

This protection is essential for avoiding disputes and ensuring that everyone understands their rights and obligations.

Importance for Different Groups


For homeowners, the Section 88B Instrument ensures that their property is used in a manner consistent with the local area’s regulations and plans. It helps prevent conflicts with neighbours over shared spaces and access rights.

Builders and Developers

Builders and developers rely on the Section 88B Instrument to understand any limitations or requirements for new projects. This knowledge is crucial for planning and executing construction projects without running into legal issues.


Lawyers use Section 88B Instruments to advise their clients during property transactions. They ensure that all parties are aware of any restrictions or obligations associated with the property, helping to prevent future legal disputes.

Mortgage Lenders

For mortgage lenders, a Section 88B Instrument provides critical information about any factors that might affect the property's value or the ability of the borrower to use the property as intended. This understanding helps in assessing risks and setting appropriate loan terms.

Real-World Applications and Implications

In real-world scenarios, the Section 88B Instrument has various practical applications. For instance, if you’re planning to build an extension on your home, this document will tell you if there are any restrictions or design requirements that specifically relate to the property. For developers, it might outline easements for utility companies that need to access infrastructure on the land, ensuring that projects are planned around these considerations.

Understanding and complying with a Section 88B Instrument is essential for smooth property transactions and development projects. It ensures that all activities are lawful and that the rights of all parties involved are protected.

How do I Order a Section 88B Instrument from Fynd?

How do I Order a Section 88B Instrument?

Ordering a Section 88B Instrument is a crucial step in the property development or purchasing process. Let's walk through how you can select the right information broker for your needs and order a Section 88B Instrument.

Selecting an Information Broker

Choosing the right information broker is essential for obtaining accurate and comprehensive Section 88B Instrument results. Here’s what to consider:

  • Authorisation: Ensure the broker is authorised by Land Registry Services. This guarantees they have access to official and up-to-date property records.
  • Experience: Look for a broker with experience in handling Section 88B Instruments for property purchases, developments, and construction projects. They’ll have a better understanding of the specifics and complexities related to your requirements.
  • Reputation: Check reviews and testimonials from other builders or developers. A broker with a strong track record in the industry is likely to provide reliable and efficient service.
  • Price: Different brokers might offer different levels of detail in their reports or have varying pricing structures. Compare these to find the best fit for your needs.

Ordering a Section 88B Instrument

Once you’ve chosen a broker, the next step is to order the Section 88B Instrument. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Visit the Website

Search and go to the information broker’s website. Some brokers will require you to sign up to create a new user account by providing some basic personal information. Fynd conveniently allows guest checkouts, so you can purchase a Section 88B Instrument without the requirement of creating an account.

Step 2: Request a Section 88B Instrument

Navigate to the relevant section for Section 88B Instruments. Enter the necessary details about the property, such as the address or lot and DP/SP number, to specify which property you need information for.

Step 3: Confirm and Pay

Double-check the information you’ve entered to make sure it’s correct. Complete the payment using a preferred method offered on the website.

Step 4: Receive and Review the Report

Once the Section 88B Instrument is complete, you will usually be emailed the document soon after your payment has been authorised. You should also be able to download the report directly from the broker's website. Review the report carefully to understand the legal aspects of the property, such as easements, restrictions, and covenants.

How long will it take to receive a Section 88B Instrument?

When you request a Section 88B Instrument through Fynd, the document is generated in seconds and should arrive in your email inbox within a minute or two. If you do not receive the email within this timeframe, please check your spam or junk folder to ensure it hasn't been misdirected.

If you still cannot find the email, please contact our support team for assistance. You can reach us by calling 1300 120 200 or by emailing support@fynd.info. Our team is ready to help ensure you receive your Section 88B Instrument promptly.

Fynd - How is a Section 88B Instrument Prepared?

How is a Section 88B Instrument Prepared?

A Section 88B Instrument is a critical document for property transactions and development in Australia. Understanding how this document is prepared can help you navigate the process more smoothly. Here, we will outline who prepares a Section 88B Instrument, the steps involved in the preparation process, the supporting documents needed, and the legal requirements and considerations.

Who Prepares the Section 88B Instrument?

Typically, the preparation of a Section 88B Instrument involves professionals such as:

  • Surveyors: They provide the necessary plans and diagrams that depict the physical layout of easements, rights of way, and other relevant features.
  • Solicitors: They draft the legal language of the instrument, ensuring it meets all regulatory requirements and clearly outlines the obligations and rights of the parties involved.

These professionals work together to create a comprehensive and legally sound document.

Steps Involved in the Preparation Process

  1. Initial Consultation: The property owner or developer consults with a surveyor and solicitor to discuss the requirements for the Section 88B Instrument. This includes understanding the specific easements, rights of way, and covenants needed for the property.
  2. Survey and Plan Preparation: The surveyor conducts a detailed survey of the property to create accurate plans. These plans show the location and dimensions of any easements or rights of way.
  3. Drafting the Instrument: The solicitor drafts the Section 88B Instrument, incorporating the surveyor’s plans. This draft outlines all the legal details, including the specific terms of easements and covenants.
  4. Review and Revision: The draft instrument is reviewed by all relevant parties, including the property owner, potential buyers, and other stakeholders. Any necessary revisions are made to ensure clarity and compliance with legal standards.
  5. Lodgement and Registration: Once finalised, the Section 88B Instrument is lodged with the local land titles office for registration. This step makes the document legally binding and ensures it is recorded in the official property records.

Supporting Documents Needed

Several supporting documents are required to prepare a Section 88B Instrument effectively:

  • Property Plans: Detailed diagrams prepared by the surveyor that illustrate the location of easements, rights of way, and other significant features.
  • Title Documents: These include the current certificate of title and any other relevant title documents that show existing rights and obligations.
  • Development Approvals: Any approvals or permits from local councils that relate to the property's development and use.
  • Legal Descriptions: Detailed legal descriptions of the property and the specific areas affected by easements or covenants.

Legal Requirements and Considerations

Preparing a Section 88B Instrument involves several legal requirements and considerations:

  • Compliance with Planning Regulations: The instrument must comply with local planning regulations and guidelines to ensure that any easements or covenants are enforceable.
  • Clarity and Precision: The language used in the instrument must be clear and precise to avoid any ambiguities that could lead to disputes.
  • Stakeholder Consultation: It's crucial to consult all affected stakeholders, including neighbours and utility companies, to ensure that their interests are adequately addressed.
  • Registration: The final instrument must be registered with the local land titles office to become legally effective and enforceable.

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to our team at support@fynd.au and let us know how we can help.
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